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Saema Ansar

Saema Ansar

Lund University, Sweden

Title: Novel strategy to improve stroke therapy


Biography: Saema Ansar


Substantial eff orts have been made over the last three decades to understand the biochemical mechanisms involved in\\r\\nischemic brain damage and to develop potential remedies to protect the brain aft er stroke. However, although more than\\r\\n1,000 experimental neuroprotective agents and procedures have been tried, they have all failed in major clinical trials. Th us, it\\r\\nis necessary to reconsider the premises upon which these failed treatments were developed and fi nd novel ways to understand\\r\\nand treat acute cerebral ischemia. Stroke is primarily a vascular disease, with devastating consequences for brain tissue/neurons.\\r\\nHowever, the primary focus for much of stroke research has hitherto been on the protection of neurons. Our research group has\\r\\ntaken a diff erent approach: we have focused instead on the cerebral vasculature and the changes that occur in this tissue in the days\\r\\nfollowing a stroke. Th is work is driven by the basic consideration that without properly regulated blood circulation in the brain,\\r\\nany attempt at neuroprotection will have a low chance of success. Our research group is the fi rst to discover the inherent capability\\r\\nof cerebral vessels to increase the expression and function of vasoconstrictor receptors in the smooth muscle cells as a response to\\r\\ncerebral ischemia. We recently discovered that inhibition of the MEK signaling pathway in the cerebral vasculature improves acute\\r\\noutcome in all types of experimental stroke. Th ese exciting initial fi ndings are propelling our current research program.