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Ihor Huk

Ihor Huk

Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Ihor Huk is the Director of Vascular Laboratory and Clinical Professor of Surgery, Director of Vascular Laboratory Dept. of Surgery, MUV Medical School. He completed his Post-graduate education from University of Chicago, Heidelberg Special Training: American Society in Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition transplant surgery. Since 1984 he performed more than 550 kidney, liver transplantation Vascular Surgery: Clinical, experimental Research (SPACE-Study), (L-arginine study). He is a member of Austrian Society of Surgery Austrian Society of Angiology Austrian Society of Vascular Surgery Ukrainian Academy of High Education Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and Senate -Zaporizhzhia Medical Postgraduate Academy Honoris causa.


Abstract : Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) - Is it relevant for the characterisation of a vulnerable carotid plaque?