Federica Alemanno
San Raffaele Hospital, Italy
Federica Alemanno is a Neuropsychologist working in the Department of Specialistic Rehabilitation of Neurological, Cognitive and Motor Disorders, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy. She is specialized in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and cerebral focal lesions, and is responsible for the intraoperative monitoring of higher cognitive functions during awake neurosurgeries. She holds a PhD in Molecular Medicine and Experimental Neurology and underwent a Research Fellowship at the Department of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego (UCSD) with whom she still has ongoing collaborations. She lectures and mentors students of the Neuro-Psychological Faculty at the San Raffaele University, and is the lead Neuropsychologist in clinical trials on the use of non-invasive brain stimulation in aphasia; the use of virtual reality for neuro-cognitive rehabilitation; and pharmacological clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease (Biogen; Merck Serono). She also coordinates the Well Being Program for international private patients, at the San Raffaele Hospital.
Abstract : Non-pharmacological treatment of chronic pain: A multimodal approach