Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
Global Summit on Stroke, will be organized around the theme “Developing trends and new advances in stroke treatment & prevention ”
Stroke-2015 is comprised of 14 tracks and 6 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Stroke-2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Stroke mortality
- Track 1-2Stroke incidence
- Track 1-3Natural history and prevalence of stroke
- Track 1-4Risk factors for stroke
- Track 1-5Healthcare costs for stroke
- Track 2-1Uncontrollable stroke risk factors
- Track 2-2Controllable stroke risk factors
- Track 2-3Lifestyle risk factors
- Track 2-4Medical stroke risk factors
- Track 2-5Potentially treatable risk factors
- Track 2-6Other risk factors
- Track 3-1Lifestyle and risk factor management
- Track 3-2Blood pressure management
- Track 3-3Lipid management
- Track 3-4Diabetes management
- Track 3-5Antiplatelet therapy
- Track 3-6Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation
- Track 3-7Carotid intervention
- Track 4-1Ischemic stroke treatment
- Track 4-2Hemorrhagic stroke treatment
- Track 4-3Emergency treatment with medications
- Track 4-4Stroke recovery and rehabilitation
- Track 4-5Thrombolytic therapy
- Track 5-1Brain ischemia
- Track 5-2CT and MRI scans
- Track 5-3Swallow tests
- Track 5-4Ultrasound (carotid ultrasonography)
- Track 5-5Catheter angiography (arteriography)
- Track 5-6Echocardiogram
- Track 5-7Brain computed tomography
- Track 5-8Cerebral angiography (or cerebral arteriography)
- Track 6-1Brain or Intracerebral hemorrhage
- Track 6-2Aneurysm
- Track 6-3Arteriovenous malformation
- Track 6-4Intracerebral hemorrhage
- Track 6-5Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Track 6-6Risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke
- Track 7-1Diagnosis of stroke
- Track 7-2Initial management of stroke
- Track 7-3Assessment of stroke
- Track 7-4Stroke rehabilitation
- Track 7-5Blood glucose control
- Track 7-6Blood pressure control
- Track 7-7Additional care
- Track 8-1Neuroimaging characteristics stroke related dementia
- Track 8-2Epidemiology of stroke related dementia
- Track 8-3Clinical features stroke related dementia
- Track 8-4Role of risk factors stroke related dementia
- Track 8-5Management stroke related dementia
- Track 9-1Epidemiology of pediatric stroke
- Track 9-2Diagnosis of stroke
- Track 9-3Effects of stroke
- Track 9-4Risk factors for haemorrhagic stroke
- Track 9-5Risk factors for ischaemic stroke
- Track 9-6Treatment for pediatric stroke
- Track 9-7Rehabilitation and recovery
- Track 10-1Characteristics of cancer-related stroke
- Track 10-2Acute and preventive treatment strategies
- Track 10-3Mechanism of cancer related stroke
- Track 10-4Incidence and etiology
- Track 10-5Diagnosis and treatment of stroke
- Track 11-1Molecular biology of brain metastasis
- Track 11-2Incidence of metastatic brain tumour
- Track 11-3Causes for brain metastases
- Track 11-4Symptoms and signs of brain tumour
- Track 11-5Diagnosis of brain tumours
- Track 11-6Treatment for brain metastases
- Track 11-7Radiation therapy for brain tumour
- Track 11-8Integrative health care of brain tumour
- Track 12-1 Signs and symptoms of atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-2Diagnosis of atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-3Management of atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-4Risk factors for atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-5Screening for atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-6Role of anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation
- Track 12-7Treatment and medication for atrial fibrillation
- Track 13-1Symptoms of a brain AVM
- Track 13-2Causes brain AVMs to bleed
- Track 13-3Diagnosis of brain AVM
- Track 13-4Types of brain AVMs
- Track 13-5Treatment for AVMs
- Track 14-1Epidemiology of stroke in women
- Track 14-2Common stroke symptoms in women
- Track 14-3Uncommon stroke symptoms in women
- Track 14-4Unique stroke symptoms in women
- Track 14-5Unique riskfactors of stroke in women
- Track 14-6Stroke prevention for women